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Benefits To Joining A MAT
- First and foremost: To improve outcomes for pupils with SEND
- White Paper: ambition by 2030 for all schools to be in a MAT. Over 50% of schools are now in Trusts. We have chosen go into partnership as three schools with SEND expertise.
- Stronger and better together: same issues, 1 stronger voice.
- Free Schools: only Trusts can run Free schools.
- Central School Improvement - support for SEND pedagogy, curriculum, assessment. All 3 schools re-inventing the wheel in individual schools. Lots of time and money wasted by duplication of making our schools fit government mainstream policies. More focused sharing of expertise
- Central Finance and Estates Management - collective voice to negotiate funding and commissioning. We can bid on funding to improve the estates and manage the works ourselves
- Central Therapies Hub – set up and run a sustainable therapy hub employing our own therapists for universal and targeted support.
- Central Legal - huge amount of time spent in tribunal and responding to consultations for places. This will allow Headteachers to concentrate on Teaching and Learning